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There’s a growing pool of financial support from both government and private entities to drive technological advancement in health care. After all, there’s objective proof that platforms like Eleos can boost client engagement, improve care outcomes, and enhance employee satisfaction and retention.

But grant writing can be overwhelming and time-consuming—leaving you to wonder if it’s even worth the effort. 

It is.

The money is out there, and our goal is to remove any barriers that might keep you from getting the funding you deserve.

Note: This resource is intended to assist in your grant writing efforts, but it does not imply a guarantee of funds awarded. Grant opportunities are abundant and diverse, so it’s critical to understand the specific requirements of each and adjust your approach (and your use of the suggestions included here) accordingly.

About This Toolkit

Overview and Purpose

This isn’t just another grant-writing manual. (There are plenty of those already, and we’ve provided links to some of the best in the Appendix of this resource.) What you’ll get here is specific advice on incorporating Eleos into your grant proposals—and the information you need to do it successfully.

This resource was developed in collaboration with grant-writing expert Amanda Cook, PhD, Chief Business Development Officer at Volunteer Behavioral Health in Murfreesboro, TN.

How to Use This Toolkit

Here’s a quick rundown of what this resource includes and how to use it effectively.

Two Levels of Information

For Those New to Grant Writing: You’ll find general guidance on the grant writing process and the Eleos platform. This foundational knowledge is vital for understanding how Eleos can be a game-changer in behavioral healthcare—and how it fits into various grant opportunities.

For Experienced Grant Writers: You’ll find the detailed, specific, data-focused Eleos product information your grant applications require. These key specs and proof points are highlighted throughout the toolkit so you can easily find and reference them.

Template Language PDF

At the end of the toolkit, you’ll find a downloadable PDF containing templated language you can adapt for various grant applications. These ready-to-use excerpts are designed to help you clearly and effectively communicate the value of Eleos.

Understanding Eleos

Introduction to Eleos Health and its Core Functionalities

In the greater healthcare software landscape, Eleos Health stands out as unique. The Eleos platform leverages artificial intelligence and machine learning to streamline operational processes and elevate care quality. This dual-purpose innovation sets Eleos apart, as does the fact that it’s the only software in its category developed using real-world behavioral health (BH) data. The specialized nature of the Eleos software allows it to not only interpret clinical data with a high degree of contextual accuracy, but also provide objective, data-driven feedback and analysis.

The Impact and Efficacy of Eleos in Behavioral Health

The benefits and impact of the Eleos platform span multiple aspects of care delivery, from staffing and financial health to improved client outcomes.

  • Enhanced Client Engagement and Symptom Reduction: Clients whose providers use Eleos have shown double the engagement rate compared to treatment as usual (TAU). More impressively, those clients also experienced 3 to 4 times greater reduction of anxiety and depression symptoms compared to TAU.
  • Increased Use of Evidence-Based Techniques: Eleos has been shown to drive a 36% increase in the average number of evidence-based techniques used per provider, per session. This is made possible through the automatic delivery of objective session insights on interventions used, talk-versus-listening ratios, therapy themes, and more.
  • Administrative Efficiency and Time Savings: By automating approximately 70% of required documentation, Eleos reduces time spent on administrative work by more than 50% on average. This enables providers to dedicate more time to patient care and other critical aspects of healthcare delivery, directly contributing to reduced clinician burnout and increased operational efficiency.
  • Comprehensive Analysis of Therapeutic Sessions: Eleos can accurately identify and track over 30 evidence-based therapeutic modalities and interventions, such as those related to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Motivational Interviewing (MI), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). This enables an in-depth understanding of session content through a clinical lens.
  • Revenue Protection and Growth: Eleos contributes to the financial health of healthcare organizations by helping to ensure 90% of notes are completed within 24 hours. This supports timely filing deadlines and helps organizations avoid denials and clawbacks.
  • Scaled Training and Supervision: Eleos has the ability to enhance staff training and supervision efforts by providing structured, objective feedback on every client session shortly after its conclusion. At the management level, this capability also gives supervisors comprehensive insight into staff activities, caseloads, performance, and broader population metrics and trends.
  • Standardization of Documentation: Eleos simplifies the process of ensuring providers meet organizational standards for documentation, thereby enhancing overall operational efficiency and compliance.

Identifying Suitable Grants

Identifying grant opportunities relevant to the implementation of Eleos requires not just a keen eye, but also creative thinking. 

Key Terms and Objectives in Grant Descriptions

Examples of Relevant Terms

  • Infrastructure Grants: Look for terms such as “technology infrastructure,” “system enhancements,” or “operational improvements.” These often indicate a focus on the technology aspect of effective healthcare delivery.
  • Capacity Building Grants: Relevant keywords for these grants include “staff development,” “service efficiency,” or “quality improvement.” Such grants aim to bolster healthcare organizations’ ability to provide better care to more clients.
  • Health Information Technology (HIT) Grants: Terms to look for in these tech-focused grants include “digital health innovation,” “data management systems,” or “telehealth advancements.”

Remember, these are just examples. The grant landscape is vast and diverse, and terms that align with Eleos Health’s capabilities may vary widely. Keep an open mind and look for any terms and objectives that might align with the functionalities and benefits of Eleos.

Creative Alignment with Broader Grant Goals

When evaluating each new grant opportunity, keep in mind that your use of the funds can go beyond what is explicitly laid out in the application. Think about how Eleos can contribute to broader objectives—even if they are not directly tech-related. For example:

Keep in mind that the art of finding the right grant often involves looking beyond the obvious and being imaginative in how you align Eleos Health’s strengths with grant objectives. 

Integrating Eleos into Your Grant Proposal

Note that while we’ve organized this advice based on the format of federal grant applications, the spirit of our suggestions applies across grant types.

Federal Grant Section C: Implementation Approach 

Successfully incorporating Eleos into your federal grant application is all about precision and relevance. First, you’ll need a few sentences to effectively outline the role of Eleos in your project. Additionally, we advise providing a clear timeline (e.g., in chart form) to show how you plan to implement the technology.

Concise Description of the Purpose of Eleos

Eleos shouldn’t take up a lot of space in the Implementation Approach section of federal grant applications. Aim for two to three sentences that clearly define how Eleos will enhance your project. For example:

“The integration of Eleos will significantly streamline our documentation processes, directly contributing to our stated goal of reducing clinician burnout and improving client engagement. Its advanced features for automating administrative tasks align with our project’s objectives.”

For more examples of potential grant verbiage, see the Grant Templates resource linked to the yellow button at the bottom of this page.

Implementation Timeline with Eleos

Kick off planning and discovery (Weeks 1–4): Initial planning with the Eleos team to ensure alignment with project goals.

Configure Eleos for your organization (Weeks 5–8): Setup and customization of Eleos product(s) for your organization and workflow.

Begin site-wide implementation and training (Week 9): Comprehensive implementation and staff training to ensure proficiency with the Eleos platform.

Complete Eleos rollout (Weeks 10–12): Transition to full operational use of Eleos, with ongoing evaluation of implementation success, user adoption, and impact.

Note: These timeframes are estimates. Adjust according to your project’s specific timeline and product(s) purchased.

Federal Grant Section E: Data Collection and Performance Measurement 

In addition to supporting the grant goals themselves, Eleos also gathers data to help you prove you’re meeting those goals. 

Eleos can provide valuable data in the following areas:

  • Conversation Content Analysis: Eleos goes beyond traditional data analysis to unlock advanced understanding of provider-client conversations—including visibility into social determinants of health like housing, education, and employment.
  • Data Export and Sharing: Eleos allows organizations to securely export and share anonymized session data (both structured and unstructured) in any format, facilitating further analysis and research aimed at quality improvement.

When drafting the data collection and performance measurement section of your grant proposal, feel free to highlight these as ways to track the project’s ongoing progress and impact.

Positioning Eleos in the Budget Narrative

To compose an effective budget narrative for your grant proposal—with respect to Eleos, specifically—you must paint a clear picture of the cost and value of the tool. In some cases, you may incorporate portions of the cost across multiple grants, which means you’ll need to position it a little differently in each one depending on the context of the funding. Here’s some general guidance.

1. Categorizing Eleos in the Budget

As a software-as-a-service (SaaS) solution, Eleos is most appropriately categorized under “vendor contracts” in your grant budget. This categorization aligns with the ongoing nature of your relationship with Eleos (in contrast with a one-time equipment cost).

2. Developing a Concise and Relevant Narrative

Your budget narrative should succinctly explain how Eleos contributes to the project. A good rule of thumb is to keep this explanation between a paragraph and a half-page, but always refer to and follow the guidelines of the funding announcement first. Focus on how potential gains in efficiency and data insights align with the purpose of the grant. For example:

“Integrating Eleos will streamline our documentation process, enhancing operational efficiency and allowing clinicians to focus more on client care.”

3. Considering One Grant Versus Multiple Grants

Depending on your budgetary limitations and the specific grant guidelines, you may decide to allocate the full cost of Eleos under one grant or divy it across multiple grants. This decision should be based on the amount of funding available and the relevance of Eleos to each project’s objectives.

4. Justifying Non-Competitive Selection

Justify choosing Eleos without a competitive bidding process by emphasizing its uniqueness in the market. For example:

“At this point, Eleos is the only software provider that not only accurately summarizes conversation content but also offers clinical insights and feedback specific to behavioral health, making it an unrivaled solution in this field. Furthermore, its embeddable nature sets it apart from solutions requiring IT integration while also supporting complete alignment with existing provider workflows, leading to better user adoption rates. Finally, unlike other solutions on the market, Eleos has flexibility to support both audio and text-based inputs for documentation generation.”

Remember, the budget narrative is not just about stating costs; it’s about demonstrating the value that Eleos brings to your project in terms of efficiency, effectiveness, and alignment with the grant’s objectives. Be clear and concise, and make sure your narrative aligns with the overall goals of your proposal.

Writing Grant Letters

Understanding and drafting effective grant letters, including letters of intent, is essential to securing funding. This section explains the basics of grant letters and offers tips and templates for crafting them effectively.

Purpose of Grant Letters and Letters of Intent

A grant letter, also known as a letter of intent (LOI), is a preliminary communication sent to a funding organization expressing your interest in applying for a grant. It outlines your proposed project and how it aligns with the funder’s goals.

In some cases, especially with foundations, you might send a grant letter to propose a project. Research foundations via their websites or conduct strategic relationship-building to gather information about their grantmaking process first. If a letter of intent is recommended or required, this letter should be persuasive and clearly explain your project and its relevance to the foundation’s mission.

Key Elements of a Grant Letter

A well-written grant letter can open doors to funding opportunities and initiate valuable relationships with funders. It’s your first chance to make a strong impression, so clarity, brevity, and relevance are key. Here are four key sections of a grant letter:

  1. Introduction: Briefly introduce your organization and the purpose of the letter.
  2. Project Overview: Provide a concise description of the project for which you seek funding, including a rough budget estimate.
  3. Relevance to Funder’s Goals: Explicitly state how your project supports the goals or interests of the funding organization.
  4. Call to Action: Conclude with a call to action, inviting the funder to consider your proposal or engage in further discussion.

Templates for Grant Applications, Proposals, and Letters

The template resource linked below includes sample language for grant applications, proposals, and letters. These templates serve as a starting point, providing a basic structure and language that can be customized to fit your specific project and the funder you are addressing.

About the Eleos Team

The Eleos team is a dynamic group of professionals dedicated to revolutionizing behavioral healthcare with innovative technology. Our leadership and development team comprises individuals with deep expertise in clinical practice, technology, and healthcare management.

Leadership Team

Alon Joffe, Chief Executive Officer

Dror Zaide, Chief Operating Officer

Alon Rabinovich, Chief Technology Officer

Dr. Shiri Sharvit, Chief Clinical Officer

Raz Karmi, Chief Information Security Officer

Yaar Reuveni, VP of R&D

Merav Ben Ari, VP of People

Jennifer Gridley, VP of Marketing

Nisheeta Setlur, VP of Customer Success

Travis Moore, VP of Growth


Our advisory board includes notable figures such as:

Dr. David Shulkin, Ninth Secretary of the US Department of Veterans Affairs

Dr. Denise Ernst, Motivational Interviewing Expert

Dr. Anupam B. Jena, Harvard Medical School

Dr. Dennis Morrison, Morrison Consultancy

Dr. Abigail Hirsch, MyStrength (Teladoc)

Douglas Kim, Fellow at MIT

Prof. Steven D. Hollon, Vanderbilt University

Dr. Simon Rego, Montefiore Medical Center

Prof. David M. Clark, NHS

Contact Details

If you need further assistance or have questions about Eleos, you can always email us at [email protected]. Innovative technology is our passion, and we’re committed to helping healthcare professionals and organizations deliver better care.


FAQs About Eleos in Grant Applications

Q: How does Eleos comply with data privacy and security regulations?

A: Eleos is designed with privacy and security at its core, adhering to HIPAA, HITRUST, SOC 2, and other relevant healthcare regulations. Our platform uses encryption, secure data storage, and access controls to protect patient information. To learn more about Eleos Health’s security and compliance features, visit our Trust Center.

Q: Can Eleos support projects across various healthcare settings, such as outpatient and telehealth?

A: Absolutely. Eleos is versatile and can be integrated into a wide range of healthcare settings, including outpatient clinics, telehealth services, and residential facilities. Its flexibility makes it suitable for diverse care delivery models.

Q: What ongoing support does Eleos offer to organizations post-implementation?

A: Eleos provides comprehensive support post-implementation, including technical assistance, user training and support resources, and regular updates to ensure the platform continues to meet the needs of healthcare providers and their patients.

Q: How does Eleos integrate with other healthcare IT systems?

A: Eleos is built to work seamlessly with existing healthcare IT systems, including EHRs and telehealth platforms. Our team works closely with clients to ensure smooth data exchange and workflow optimization.

Q: What strategies can be employed to ensure staff adoption and effective use of Eleos?

A: Key strategies include conducting thorough training sessions, creating internal champions to advocate for Eleos, and providing continuous support and feedback opportunities to address any challenges promptly.

Q: How does Eleos facilitate interdisciplinary collaboration within care teams?

A: Eleos enhances collaboration by providing a shared platform for data analysis and insights, allowing team members from different disciplines to access and interpret patient data cohesively to support greater care coordination.

Q: Can Eleos be customized to meet specific project or organizational needs?

A: Yes, Eleos offers customization options to align with specific project goals and organizational workflows. Our team collaborates with clients to tailor the platform to their unique needs and requirements.

General Grant Writing Resources

Please note that this toolkit isn’t intended to be an all-encompassing grant writing resource. General grant writing experts have already produced plenty of those!

Here are a few we recommend to supplement this Eleos-specific guide:

Guidelines for a Letter of Intent – University of Massachusetts 

Developing a Competitive SAMHSA Grant Application

Grant Writing Tips – National Institute of Mental Health

Write Your Application – National Institute of Health