Introducing Behavioral Health AI for Compliance

Make manual note reviews a thing of the past

Scan every note

Instantly assess 100% of your notes for quality, so you’re only putting time and effort into correcting those that are truly at risk.

Train staff

Gain deep insights into each note submitted, so you can better support providers in improving the quality of their documentation.

Reduce risk

More compliant documentation means fewer denials, penalties, and corrective action plans.

Catch quality issues early, before they lead to penalties and clawbacks. With Eleos, you can rest easy knowing every note meets the highest standard—no manual review required.


Compliance Analysis of Every Note

Gain true peace of mind with comprehensive compliance reporting for Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) teams.

Note Cloning

Identify notes that contain duplicate or copied-and-pasted content, as well as those with fields that are empty or sparse.


Confirm therapeutic interventions from the session are properly documented.

Progress Mentions

Ensure the client’s progress is reflected in the note.

Action Plan

Verify that the note includes a plan of action for the next therapy session.

Golden Thread

Validate the connection between documentation, services rendered, and the client’s care plan.
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Elevating documentation and care quality across the full spectrum of behavioral health providers, services, and note types

No matter where you work or who you serve, Eleos has a solution to help you focus less on taking notes—and more on delivering great care.

Community Outreach
Couples Therapy
Peer Support
Family Therapy
Individual Therapy
Case Management
Substance Use
Community Outreach
Couples Therapy
Peer Support
Family Therapy
Individual Therapy
Case Management
Substance Use

Fast and Reliable Compliance Management

Support CQI teams

Prevent notes from falling through the cracks due to limited staff bandwidth for manual review. With AI-powered documentation scanning and compliance risk identification, you can catch every documentation issue—every time.

Save time and resources

Stop wasting time reviewing well-written notes. Our AI only flags notes that are at risk of non-compliance—so you only spend time reviewing and correcting documentation that actually needs your attention.

Review 100% of staff notes

Never miss a note again. With Eleos Compliance, every note undergoes a comprehensive five-point compliance review—so you can rest easy knowing your Clinical Documentation Integrity (CDI) is on lock.

Gain full risk visibility

Review and prioritize compliance issues in one place with our user-friendly dashboard. Set teams up for success by pinpointing problematic areas for improvement in a digestible, actionable format.

Watch how Eleos Compliance makes reviewing notes easy-peasy.

“Eleos understands that strong relationships are the key to transformation.”
Dixie Casford Co-CEO, Mental Health Partners
“Eleos enables us to pull the admin function out of the therapeutic relationship and show clinicians their impact.”
Carl Clark, MD President & CEO, Wellpower
“It’s been really wonderful working with Eleos. It feels like a partnership with a team who really has compassion for the work that we do.”
Kiara Kuenzler, PsyD President & CEO, Jefferson Center
“Staff seem to be really excited about Eleos. Even those who were a little skeptical at first are like, ‘Wow, why didn’t we do this sooner?’”
Shena Ureste Chief Executive Officer, Texana Center
“We selected Eleos very specifically targeting one of our strategic goals related to improving team engagement and addressing burnout.”
Kiara Kuenzler, PsyD President & CEO, Jefferson Center
“We gained a true partner with Eleos.”
Matthew Spencer, MA, LPC, CPRSS Chief Clinical Officer, GRAND Mental Health
“It's encouraging when you work with a company that are a really mission driven organization. They really care about what we are doing.”
Brandon Ward, PsyD Chief Innovation Officer, Jefferson Center
“That personal interest in our success makes a big difference to us. The commitment they have to their clients is fantastic.”
Rony Gadiwalla, MS, PMP Chief Information Officer, GRAND Mental Health

Behavioral health compliance doesn’t have to be hard.

Book a demo with Eleos today to see how AI can transform your Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) efforts.
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Decor Director
Christian NuppSenior Director of Solution Engineering at Eleos