Blog recap of virtual launch event for Eleos Compliance

Revving Up Compliance Review: How Merakey and GRAND Mental Health Audit 20x More Notes with AI

Ever felt like you’ve climbed the highest mountains, run through the fields, crawled, and scaled city walls—but you still haven’t found what you’re looking for? Well, AI might not be able to help Bono, but if you’re a behavioral health compliance professional who’s responsible for finding—and correcting—noncompliant provider documentation, we’re betting Eleos’ newly launched Compliance […]

On-Demand Webinar: Winter 2025 Launch Event – New Year, New AI Advancements

See how Eleos helps behavioral health leaders supercharge reporting and compliance management. Watch the on-demand recording of Eleos’ first quarterly launch event, a 1-hour virtual experience where we officially introduced our newest product, Eleos Compliance: the AI-powered note quality tool that empowers behavioral health CDI and CQI teams to scan 100% of notes for six of the […]

Senior Managing Director at CARF discusses how accrediting bodies view AI

AI & Accreditation in Behavioral Health

There’s plenty of real-world proof—and even scientific evidence—backing up the benefits of AI in behavioral health. From less provider burnout and turnover to better client engagement and outcomes, the positive effects of responsible AI use are undeniable. But, how do these technologies stack up against behavioral health accreditation standards? And how do the industry’s top […]

Behavioral health CEO explains how to write an effective AI policy

AI Governance in Action: How to Write an AI Policy for Your Behavioral Health Org

Not every problem needs a policy. Policies shouldn’t exist just to check a box—they should actually shape how people work and make their jobs easier. But when it comes to AI in behavioral health, Ashley Newton, CEO of Centerstone’s Research Institute, doesn’t hesitate: this is one area where a robust, carefully thought-out policy is non-negotiable. […]

Podcast episode with Ashley Newton discussing AI policy

Creating an Airtight AI Policy for Your Behavioral Health Organization

The benefits of purpose-built AI in behavioral health are undeniable. But the rapid expansion of this technology has many organizations scrambling to effectively manage its use. Which AI platforms are acceptable to bring into a healthcare environment? When and how should staff leverage them? And as AI technology continues to evolve, who is responsible for […]

On-Demand Webinar: Fortifying the Future: Data Privacy & Security in Behavioral Health AI

Learn how to confidently navigate the changing AI privacy and security landscape. Data privacy and security are serious concerns when it comes to any application of AI—and that’s doubly true in healthcare. The data is simply more sensitive, more delicate, and more dangerous when exposed to bad actors. Government regulators are notoriously reactive to new […]

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