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Problems with Workplace Culture in Behavioral Health

Culture Clash: 5 Ways to Ruin Your Behavioral Health Work Environment

The irony of many behavioral health workplaces is that even as the providers on staff help their clients thrive, they themselves are often shouldering more stress than they can handle. Turnover in many of these organizations isn’t just high; it’s basically a revolving door—and the pressures for remaining staff mount faster than a therapist can […]

Alternate ways to measure productivity in behavioral healthcare workforce

The Productivity Predicament: 6 Alternative Approaches to Performance Management in Behavioral Health

Why quality > quantity in behavioral health workforce management. With the demand for mental health services rising steadily—and ongoing workforce shortages putting providers in a seemingly perpetual squeeze—the pressure to optimize all available treatment time has never been more real. The problem is, the push for higher appointment volumes doesn’t always support the mission to […]

Mental health documentation case study with Coleman Health Services

Coleman Health Services Slashes Documentation Time by 70% with Eleos

For the leadership team at Coleman Health Services, people are the number-one priority. They believe the best way to ensure clients receive top-notch care is to keep providers engaged and satisfied. But with mounting documentation requirements, they needed a new way to stay on top of paperwork—and thus avoid burnout, delayed notes, and compliance issues. […]

Therapist burnout stats

The Facts Behind the Fizzle: What Science Reveals About Behavioral Health Burnout

In March 2020, like many of my colleagues, I found myself navigating the dual roles of clinical psychologist and parent while grappling with an unprecedented global crisis.  As the pandemic unfolded, virtual therapy took over, and I felt grateful that my behavioral health program was able to adapt our services to COVID-19’s social distancing requirements. […]

Calculating the ROI of Behavioral Health AI

The ROI of Behavioral Health AI: 4 Ways Eleos Boosts Your Bottom Line

Running a successful behavioral health organization is no easy feat. Margins are thin, budgets are stretched, and there’s zero room for financial error. One poor investment could have major ramifications for the quality and accessibility of behavioral health services in your community. It’s always exciting to talk about the bells and whistles of any innovative […]

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