“If we knew what we were doing, it wouldn’t be called research, would it?” This quote from Albert Einstein rings perhaps a bit too true in the world of healthcare AI. At this point, there’s no denying the benefits of AI for behavioral health providers and clients. But there’s also no hiding the gaps in […]
News & Articles
On-Demand Webinar: Evidence Meets Innovation: The Crucial Role of Clinical Research in AI Development for Behavioral Health
It’s time to demand more from the vendors developing behavioral health AI technology. There’s a troubling trend in behavioral health tech: the race to innovate often outpaces the evidence backing the tools being placed in provider hands—tools that ultimately impact client care. That’s why any healthcare tech solution—especially emerging AI tools—should be firmly anchored in […]
How Eleos Supercharges Clinical Supervision: A Study
Supervision has always been a foundational part of becoming a mental health professional. It’s how new therapists grow: they need detailed feedback, guided reflection, and a nuanced understanding of therapeutic interactions that they can only get through insight from a seasoned practitioner. For many years, clinical supervision was conducted in one of two ways: Eventually, […]
Study Supports Training Therapy Students on AI Tech Like Eleos
Everyone knows the pandemic forced wider adoption of all things digital. While the jury’s still out on some of the technological mainstays resulting from that shift—lookin’ at you, QR code menus—the benefits of many now-ubiquitous conveniences are hard to ignore. In the healthcare space—particularly behavioral health—technology has flourished in the wake of long-gone social distancing […]
AI and Patient Engagement: A Behavioral Health Technology Solution for the Future (and the Present!)
Your behavioral health technology stack should be bigger, they said. You should use technology to make your life easier, they said. Technology is going to clean up all of your inefficiencies, they said. Technology A solves for problem Z. And Technology B solves for problem Y. But unfortunately, the developers of Technology A and Technology […]
On-Demand Webinar: Tackling Workforce Challenges in Behavioral Health: How Organizations Are Using AI and Patient Engagement Tools to Reduce Admin Burden
It’s time to create a better telehealth experience for providers and clients alike. Virtual care has opened a world of possibilities for behavioral health access, convenience, and consistency. But it also comes with challenges—especially with respect to client engagement. In this webinar, we explored how combining the power of AI along with innovative patient engagement […]
Sample AI Policy for Behavioral Health Organizations
Coleman Health Services Slashes Documentation Time by 70% with Eleos
For the leadership team at Coleman Health Services, people are the number-one priority. They believe the best way to ensure clients receive top-notch care is to keep providers engaged and satisfied. But with mounting documentation requirements, they needed a new way to stay on top of paperwork—and thus avoid burnout, delayed notes, and compliance issues. […]
Better Care, Stronger Data: Where Payers and Providers Converge on AI
On the surface, it often seems as though payers and providers are at odds—more like oil and vinegar than yin and yang. But as we learned during a recent Behavioral Health Tech webinar featuring voices from both the payer and provider sides of the healthcare equation, they have more in common than meets the eye—especially […]
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